Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Balance Everyday with Easy 1 Minute Exercise

Tipping over is a problem as we age. Toddlers tip over often as they walk, getting better and better at not falling as they practice. Most of us go through life on the walking and standing skills we developed as a child. We don't realize that balance is a learned skill, something we have to practice and nurture. If we don't practice our balance skills, as we age tipping over may start to happen again. Only with age, the consequences of falling can be dire.

Balance requires always moving to find balance. It's a subtle thing. Even though a person may appear to be perfectly still as they stand, muscles and nerves are constantly working to maintain equilibrium. Staying centered takes awareness.

Practice your balance skills with these easy tips: This exercise can take as little as 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise throughout your day.
  • Keep Moving: Practice bending your knees different amounts while you walk and stand.
  • While standing, practice shifting your weight in this order:(Both feet hip width apart, pointing straight ahead)
  1. Toe - Heel - Back to Center
  2. Shift Right - Shift Left - Back to Center
  3. Roll to the Outside of the Foot - Roll to the Inside of the Foot - Back to Center

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