Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hip How-To: Learn to Walk Well From Your Hips

Bio-mechanics is the science that explains how the structures of the body function mechanically. Each joint in your body has a design that moves optimally certain ways. The joint may also allow types of movement that the joint is not best designed to handle.

For example, your elbows and knees are hinge-joints. They bend back and forth in the same direction. They don't allow much rotational movement. If you do over-rotate those joints you'll often incur a sprain or more severe injury.

The hip joint is different from the knee in that it is a ball and socket joint that allows your hips to move both rotationally and as a hinge joint. Here's what you need to know: Your hips are designed to move best as a rotational joint. If you walk, hike or run and don't rotate your hips adequately, your hips move like a hinge joint. Too much of this type of movement in the hip joint causes over-use injuries/damage.

To practice what a rotational movement of the hip feels like, do the Hula. Really!
  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees gently bent.
  • Rotate your hips in circles, first clockwise, then reverse directions.
  • Now, walk backwards slowly and notice how the hips automatically rotate, taking the leg back.
  • Slowly walk forwards, seeking to maintain the sensation of hip movement. Remember to keep your knees slightly bent.
When you use your hips as a ball and socket joint, you are using the joint optimally. This is very important if you are running or walking as correct use, reduces (and sometimes, eliminates) hip problems and pain.


1 comment:

Learn to surf said...

Your best resource for surfing tips will be a friend who surfs, every surfer was a beginner at one point and will be able to give you tips which will shorten your learning curve and help you from making many first time beginner mistakes. If you dont have a good friend who is a surfer then you will be able to find help at your local surf shop, or by making your first couple of ventures into the water with a surf instructor. A surf instructor will be able to offer professional surfing advice and guidance along with the added safety of being emergency medical trained. A private surfing tutorial will have you well on your way to surfing like a pro in no time. You can find a private surf instructor by simply searching the internet for a surf instructor in the area in which you want to learn how to surf, they will surely be knowledgeable about all regional beaches and together you will choose the surf break best suited for you. Learn to surf